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Honoring the Legacy of Louis Strauss: A Heartfelt Tribute

Honoring the Legacy of Louis Strauss: A Heartfelt Tribute
August 31, 1947 - February 23, 2022

Montreal, Canada | September 10th, 2024 - Louis Strauss was a cornerstone of both Neptronic and JESS, a pillar whose influence extended far beyond the walls of our organization. Louis was more than just a founding member; he was a symbol of integrity, kindness, and dedication. His legacy is one we hold dear, and his absence is felt deeply by all who had the privilege of knowing him.

Louis lived his life with a sense of purpose and authenticity that was truly inspiring. He approached every situation with an open heart, always ready to offer support to friends, colleagues, and even those he had just met. His commitment to helping others, coupled with his unwavering principles, made him a remarkable individual and a beloved figure within our community.

To honor Louis’s memory, Neptronic organizes an annual barbecue—a tradition that pays tribute to his love for food and brings us together in celebration of his life. This event has become a cherished occasion for our company, a time when we gather to remember Louis and the values he embodied. The annual barbecue is more than just a meal; it is a celebration of the spirit of camaraderie and generosity that Louis exemplified. It serves as a reminder of the positive impact he made and the legacy he left behind. This year, as we came together once again, we were reminded of the profound influence Louis had on our lives and the deep sense of gratitude we feel for having known him.

Louis Strauss may no longer be with us, but his memory lives on in the values we uphold and the traditions we continue. His legacy is a guiding light for us, inspiring us to live with the same integrity and kindness he demonstrated throughout his life.