From the paint application to curing and drying, maintaining the correct temperature enhances speed, efficiency and end-result of the process.
The typical paint booth temperature is a minimum of 13°C (55°F) – particularly difficult to maintain in colder climates. Studies show that curing and drying time can be halved for every 10°C (15°F) rise in temperature, making added heating capacity a worthwhile investment.
Paint booth applications typically require 80-100% of fresh outdoor air ventilation because of the fumes and VOC generated. Even with an energy recovery system, all this make-up air needs to be pre-heated before being fed into the space.
Neptronic can build process heaters with up to 40 kW/sq.ft. capacity and design temperatures going up to 648°C (1200°F) with minimum installed space. Our modulating controls with Vernier technology help you achieve the results you want, with minimal power consumption.
We offer optional corrosion-resistant stainless steel construction with SS316L or Incoloy 840 elements to handle the various VOC generated by organic and inorganic solvents in such applications.