System Architecture

The Neptronic IMS system architecture, enhanced by the VAV App, combines the scalability and flexibility of Edge hardware with the reliability of Neptronic VAV zone controllers to deliver a robust cloud-based solution.

Neptronic Application-Specific Controllers

Designed for VAV terminal units, baseboards, and auxiliary systems, these controllers are field-tested and essential for facility operations. Preloaded with versatile algorithms for cooling, cooling with reheat, fan-powered boxes, and more, they ensure efficient management of various VAV applications.

The system design offers compatibility with a range of hardware types, including the EVCB and TROB series, and integrates seamlessly with other facility equipment, such as heaters, to deliver a comprehensive management solution.

Neptronic Edge Device

At the heart of this architecture is the Edge device which supports up to 64 devices across two RS-485 networks, significantly lowering installation costs. Its flexible configuration options and adaptability are illustrated in the system architecture diagram, showcasing its ability to meet diverse building layouts and requirements.

VAV Solution Architecture image

Site Manager

This component oversees multiple Edge devices and provides a secure connection to optional cloud services, offering a comprehensive suite of hosted services for enhanced functionality and performance.

Together, these components ensure efficient facility management, seamless integration, and robust connectivity to cloud-based services, enhancing overall system performance.

Deliver a robust solution that can work on the cloud, standalone or on a local IT network.